
Please read carefully and ask questions if you don't understand. When you purchase livestock from Lucky Creek Ranch you are expected to have read and agreed to these terms. Livestock General: Buy completing the purchase the buyer agrees that they are accepting the animal “as is”.

The buyer or their designated representative shall be responsible for checking livestock for signs of illness, defect or injury. This must be done prior to completion of purchase. Buyers, or their representative/agent are also asked to verify livestock tattoos prior to completing their purchase. No registered livestock will leave prior to being tattooed.

When livestock leaves the property, and therefore is out of our control, we can't be responsible for its health, future development, or fertility. The buyer or their designated representative is responsible for checking livestock for signs of illness, defect or injury.

All livestock and all related charged including but not limited to transportation, testing, certificate of veterinary inspection etc. must be paid in full prior to the animal leaving the farm. No exceptions.

Lucky Creek Ranch cannot accept a check for final payment unless said check can be deposited 2 weeks prior to pick up or shipment of the animal. Please bring cash for final payment unless we have a prior arrangement. We are also happy to accept cryptocurrency (BTC, LTC or ETH). Lucky Creek Ranch does not accept PayPal for purchases over $50.00

Lucky Creek Ranch reserves the right to cancel any sale, and refund any deposit on any livestock previously offered for sale prior to completion of sale and pickup of animal.

For bio security reasons once an animal is loaded in your trailer it's yours and can never rejoin the herd. Additionally once an animal leaves the farm it can never come back. 

For your protection always contact us prior to sending any money. Scammers have been known to create a fake FB page or website the resembles that of a legitimate farm in the hopes of scamming a deposit or collecting a payment, then directing you to the address of a legitimate farm for pickup that knows nothing about the sale. Our address and phone number are stated clearly at the bottom of every webpage as well as on the contact us page. Again Call or text to verify our identity and that we have the livestock you are trying to purchase. Do not trust a Facebook contact you do not personally know as it could be a scammer trying to sell something they don’t own.

Deposits and Refund Policy

Goat kid reservations are first come first serve, a maximum of two deposits per goat, any deposits for kids not born will be returned upon completion of the birthing process. Alternatively those with deposits for kids not born will have priority purchase on existing unsold kids. All deposits are non refundable with the exception of deposits made for an animal that fails to be born.

A deposit of $100 will hold the livestock for one week post weaning (Goats/Piglets-six weeks post birth, Dogs-eight weeks post birth). We do not hold livestock post weaning and the post weaning week is for payment, pickup or transportation off the farm. On the 1st day of second week following weaning the deposit will be forfeited and the livestock will be offered for sale to the next willing and able buyer. No exceptions. Please understand that with the exception of an animal not being born or failing to make it to weaning all deposits are non-refundable as that deposit takes an animal off the market and we agree to reject other possible offers.

If livestock is past weaning age upon receipt of deposit, it will need to be paid in full, picked up or shipped within 2 weeks after receipt of deposit, or boarding fees of $15.00 per day will apply. You must provide a written statement with the estimated pick up date via text or email when you make the deposit. Regardless of the age of the livestock, a pickup date must be agreed upon with receipt of deposit. We understand that everyone is busy, has family, job, and/or farm obligations; as do we. Therefore, boarding charges will be $15.00 per day per animal for every day past the agreed upon pick up date. Since those fees will mount up in a hurry, we hope to never have to charge boarding fees. Please note the deposit is subject to forfeiture and the livestock may be offered for sale again at any time after the agreed upon pickup date. Thank you for your understanding.

If for some reason the livestock is not available due to death, injury or illness, on the pickup date, the deposit may be refunded or, if the customer chooses, the deposit may be applied to another animal that is offered for sale. If a customer fails to pickup their livestock on the agreed upon date and the animal should become injured, ill, or die no refund of money will be offered.

Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) and Testing

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association definition, “ A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), also known as a health certificate, is an official document issued by a federal, state, tribal, or accredited veterinarian certifying that the animals identified on the document have been inspected and were found to satisfy the regulations pertaining to their intended movement - within the same state, between states, or internationally.”

A standard Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) is available for any livestock you purchase and is absolutely required for air travel. Tennessee state law requires a CVI for any interstate or intrastate transport of goats. Some states have stricter goat importation requirements than others. Tennessee is a Tuberculosis (TB) and Brucellosis free state, however some states still require TB tests prior to importing goats. It is the customer’s responsibility to inform me of their state requirements upon deposit. Please note: We require several days notice to obtain the health certificate and additional testing may take two or more weeks. Currently our local veterinarian charges $55 for a CVI plus $75 for a farm visit.

Goats offered for sale may be tested for any disease desired at the buyer's expense. Please note: depending on the tests requested, the cost may include a Vet farm visit charge, fees for the vet to draw blood, shipping fees, lab fees for testing, and the vet charge for any documentation needed.

Air Transport

In the event that livestock is to be transported via Air, it is the responsibility of the buyer to arrange and pay for Air travel after contacting us and checking our transport availability. We will not be available for early morning flight transport. We can ship by air through Memphis International Airport (MEM), Tennessee.

If the temperature at any city on the plane's itinerary is 85 degrees or more, American Airlines will not accept the animal on the flight. If the temperature is between 20 and 45 degrees F they cannot fly without a “letter of acclimation” from a veterinarian. (Our vet charges $25 to sign a letter of acclimation when obtained at same time as the CVI.) If the temperature is below 20 degrees F anywhere on the plane's itinerary the animal will not fly that day.

When transporting by air, all fees, including the cost of the animal, health papers, estimated airline cost, transport to the airport, and crate for shipping must be paid at least one week before the animal leaves the property. The Airlines require the kennel to be large enough for the animal to stand up without his/her ears touching the top of the kennel, to turn around, and to lay down comfortably. The 24" tall size usually works best for goat kids, puppies and piglets. We will not attempt to ship an animal in a crate that is too small. Due to the cost of transporting animals to the airport (Memphis International Airport (MEM)) 113 miles from the farm and the time involved for 2 people delivering the animal 2 hours before take-off and waiting until after take-off we charge a $200 handling and delivery charge for what amounts to (including drive time) at least a 6 hour time period for 2 people. If there are cancellations that require extra trips to the airport, we will have to charge the buyer for those extra trips. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your business.

Goat Specific Items:

At time of sale goats are healthy and free of disqualifying defects as per those listed in the ADGA guidebook that would make the animal ineligible for entry into the show ring. Buy completing the purchase the buyer agrees that they are accepting the animal “as is”. 

Goat does are never guaranteed to be bred and always sold as open even if known to have been exposed. If bred, a separate fee of $150 per kid will be charged for a service memo at the time such memo is requested, upon receipt of a photograph of the kid and doe and provided the timing of kidding indicates the doe was bred at Lucky Creek Ranch as indicated by breeding records.

When kept in good condition through appropriate animal husbandry practices, breeding stock bucks are guaranteed to breed, or a replacement will be offered upon the delivery of an official veterinary statement that documents the body condition and infertility of the buck. ADGA guidelines will be followed for replacement. Please read the ADGA guidelines. (page 150-151 in the 2019 guidebook)